Tuesday, May 13, 2008

answers for 19-20

1. He is calm but scared about building his second monster. But he is glad that henry came with him.

2. Victor went to Scotland to work on the second monster and to leave Henry because he doesn't want people to know about building a monster.

3. Victor rents a small cabin in Scotland to work on his monster on a small island. He feels that he shouldnt be creating another creature after all the trouble the first one made.

4. Victor feels that making the monster was a mistake and should never have created it. I agree because I think Victor never should have made him in the first place because its immoral to make a life out of nothing.

5. After Victor realizes all the negatives of creating another monster he destroys it in front of the first one.

6. The creature says he will get revenge on Victor's wedding .

7. Victor destroys his makeshift lab because he doesn't want to leave any evidence.

8. When Victor makes it to land some irishmen find him and take him away because they think he had something to do with a murder.

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